Pedophiles Joining Forces with LGBTQ+

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon something that made me sick to my stomach.  I was informed about a new group that is starting to be accepted by the LGBTQ community.  This new group is called M.A.P. an acronym that stands for “minor attracted persons”.  When I first heard about this I was appalled at how anyone  could think this was acceptable. After reading a few articles from people who self identify as MAP’s and a few from people who are supporting their cause I realized they were people who claim they have never had contact with a minor but just found them attractive.  These people are on a fight to try to make pedophiles less taboo and more accepted in out culture.

There are a plethora of problems that arise from this recent group.  The first problem is that the LGBTQ community has built no defense for certain things such as this.  For as long as I can remember the conservatives have been telling the liberals that they must define how many genders there are and that they must define sexual preferences.  The liberals fought back saying that they couldn’t do that because everything had to be “fluid” and no one can define it. Now these groups of pedophiles are popping up in little pockets around places asking for support groups.  The LGBTQ support groups are extremely lost and confused. They have such a hard time accepting that there are wrong things in this world. Some support groups are accepting people who are coming out as MAP’s. Other groups however are being more hesitant about letting them in.

This is a good example of how a lot of things with Liberals go.  They fight so hard for gay rights.  People start to be pro-gay and then they try and push pedophiles on us.  I remember being in high school hearing arguments against gay marriage becoming legal people would say “if marriage isn’t just between a man and a woman then what comes next?”  Followed by them pulling out an anecdotal case about a man wanting to marry his dog.  I always thought that argument was just for argument’s sake.  But here we are talking about people trying to make pedophilia less taboo.  

In an article from Vice they talk about a guy named Gary.  An older man who came out to his wife as a MAP. The story talks fondly of him and about how this man attends Church and has a support group there.  He is a part of a virped movement a group that claims to not want contact with a child, however he did have foster children and one of them came out as being assaulted by him.  Here’s a quote from the article and I will leave the link to this article here I suggest you go read it.  

“Many arrive at the forum with a notion that abuse is unavoidable simply because, they believe, attraction inevitably leads to action. To put it in Gary’s words: for the first 50 or so years of his life he felt like he was “a ticking time-bomb”. Mixed with the danger of falling in with the wrong crowds, such as pro-contact groups like NAMBLA (an American pedophile advocacy group working to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors), you can see how some pedophiles’ interpretation of attraction could lead to them offending, whereas they may have been able to avoid acting on their impulses if they’d had a space in which to discuss their feelings.”

Even the people who claim to be anti- contact mostly have allegations made against them. These activists and supporters are using sympathy as a way to excuse the pedophiles actions. Even tumblr a place where liberal ideas are born including MAP is trying their best to get these people off of the website.  We must not let this become a normal issue.

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